
Before I die & An awesome birthday

Publicerad 2013-10-18 18:25:00 i Allmänt, Manda, Skola/Jobb,

Så ida på engelskan gjorde vi en stor 'Before I die'-papperssak som vi satte upp på väggen. På den skrev vi upp en massa saker vi vill göra innan vi dör. Vissa va djupa o sånt men vissa ja.. xD De va nån som skrev 'Bitchslap One Direction'. Which was kinda funny :P O Frat skrev 'Fight for Frat' ;)
Fast Alex va kanske bäst 'Before I die I want to.. Die in a pyramid'. Makes sense xD
All of this came to life thanks to reading the book written by Jenny Downham.
OH! Since we're celebrating my birthday today, Johanna made me a cupcake and brought it to school. Thanks hun :) It was delicious :D It even had candles.. though we couldn't light them up cuz the lighter was out of gas -.- xD 
I walked around school in a party hat almost all day. Thanks to certain friends ;)
In like, any second, Alva is coming to pick me up and we're going to Beas with Johanna. We're going bowling and then we'll head over to Beas and eat some pizza and drink a little. Haha and probably disturb the neighbours.. we'll sing singstar xD
Manda out!


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