Picnic in the rain! :)
Yesterday Julis, Magda, Alva and I decided to, despite the rain, we were going to have a picnic. So, in the morning mother, Magda and I set up the location. We just covered The Horseshoe and taadaa! A rainfree, outdoorsy perfect picnic spot! :)
Manda out!xxx
When Julis arrived we started to bake Double Chocolate Pecan Cookies whilst listening to old 90's songs. Party! In the middle of all of this Alva arrived.
So we grabbed our picnic blankets and set of to the cave-like happy spot.
Later, we found out about a parody of Hunger Games which we just had to watch. The Starving Games. Quite funny.
Then we watched G.B.F.
I like the ending. It's not the cliche were in the end, the best friends realises that they have always loved eachother. No. They stay friends. Hooray!
And this morning/I-should-probably-call-it-almost-dinner-time, we watched Teen Beach Movie. Pretty crappy movie except that I love the musical part of it. Musicals <3
Manda out!xxx